Category Archives: Blog

23rd December – CH3 – Angry Inch & Square Rooter

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Sometimes you get the hangover, and sometimes the hangover gets you… Today was a bit of both, one thing I am sure of is that I drank far too much on Sunday, and it seemed like the hangover kicked in after work as I drove to the runsite…

It was actually 8-Bit that was keen to go to the run. We got to the runsite, that is a stunningly beautiful spot, with a glorious view across a valley – such a shame that someone has been using it as a tip, dumping waste off the side of the hill filling the air with the stench of burning pampers.

The hares sent us off down into the valley with Poo & Crazy German running hard early on. I followed correctly through a few checks, but then had to check the wrong way and was back of the pack as we crossed a “grand canyon” – just a little scramble, before turning left and heading back up the hill to very close to the car. We were 2km in, and I was sorely tempted to call it a day. Instead we headed up the hill with 8-Bit just in front of me – probably better I keep my eye on him a bit longer.

Plenty of good checks kept the pack together and it really was a good set – I wish I was feeling better! Finally I bailed out and headed to the left of the trail. I emerged on the road at the same time the FRBs came running down the hill the other side of the road – great timing, but while they started checking, I was headed back along the road.

16th Dec – CH3 – Sheep Shagger & Belly Dancer

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By Alice

In organisational theory you may learn about Peter’s Principle whereby people are promoted to positions of incompetence and stay there. Well Sheepy has obviously been doing some study as he demoted Belly Dancer to paper boy and bag carrier, cancelling any executive powers, and the results were highly encouraging.
A new A-site at the white wat above Ban Pong, virgin paths for your scribe and most of the pack, clearly marked trails and cunning enough checks and falsies. What more could you want? Dogshit to get fucked up? Yes, we even had that!
I did worry as both songthaos and Suckit turned off left when signage indicated right on the way in and then again if the red trucks would make the gradient, but all was well.
We even had a visitor Hurdy Gurdy from Japan, Tokyo H3 and he ignored PigShit’s insult on the bus (If I could fff understand you, I’d probably agree with you..) and seemed to enjoy himself.
The takeaway from the stingray shaped run was Shrek’s lunatic determination to run where walking was sensible and see if he could exhaust himself hauling 100Kg + over steep terrain at altitude. Hopefully he’s recovered to live co-hare CH4 run with me in 2 days.
We headed out into the forest and cut leftish at the first check. We seemed to follow a ridge then descend to a road. From here on it was roughly anticlockwise coming back and we knew UP if it wasn’t A-B. Checks were exactly hard enough given the steepness and general age of the pack. False trails caught the FRBs now and again and kept us together.
The haul up,up,up was hard and luckily for Robin Banks his anal vent worked overtime producing rocket propulsion when needed. Not lucky for the rest of us.
Finally after about 4km we reached the out trail high in the forest and followed powder marks jogging back the last stretch to the wat. I had 4.9km total and loved it.
Circle was finely handled by HRA but I didn’t like a few misery guts calling ‘Short circle’ etc. That needs to stop. Especially as they mostly don’t bother making the effort to give splashes and the longer splashes from Shrek and Belly were worthy and well paced.
ONON CH3, quite a change in tempo and feel from Saturday.

14th Dec – CSH3 – Superman

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By Alice

Superman and his tribe hared a decent 6.6km trail out in the wilds past Prem School for CSH3 1500.

Trail started on fresh concrete and continued on fresh concrete for longer than the pack would forget. Once we got off into the green it was a lovely trail, farms, orchards and a few wide paths. My old hashmate Shut the Chuck Up from Saudi days turned up to add hair, beard and a fantastic Khobar Hash happi coat to proceedings.

Belly was off like a race horse and kept going for far longer than Anything is probably used to. Sloppy and KO with her mate Slow Gin seemed to disappear into the distance and Skiddy with SinBin shook a leg too.

W/R split after a Km and I moseyed along with STCU chatting and exchanging news.
Suddenly there were walkers infront and I realized we’d merged again. By the excellent 1500 On On we had Jersey Steamer for company too coming from a strange direction.

Celebration 1500 t-shirts were a tad smaller than usual Thai sizes but thanks to SM and SB for sponsoring – and HRA for artwork I’m guessing.

Usual circle nonsense – with Shagless and Cartoon the pick of the charges. I cleared off on my bike before the end as I was getting restless. I wish people would stand closer to the ice and not chatter loudly during the circle.

Onon CSH3 and well set Sups and crew. Strangely enough my odometer read 15000 when I left the A site. Cue Twilight Zone theme music.

FUC HHH #1 – Friday 13th December – BmY

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By Alice…

The best ideas are simple – and usually a slight tweak on an existing one. The EEC used to destroy wine lakes and grain mountains. Byte had a similar idea for the MIH amber mountain – but with more sociable results.

So we met 6pm just off Ruamchok Jct close to Byte Mansions and off we went FUCing. Or should I say Friday Urban ChiangMai H3ing.

It was dark very soon and we jogged along on flour and got strung out pretty fast. We went round in a big clockwise circle through the sois, moobaans, empty lots and even a temple. Powder was mostly good to see but circles could be tricky!
I chatted amiably with Krappy and then Belly and HRA. A check with a back trail messed up Suckit and soon I was jogging along with him, BD and HRA close behind as finding marks in the dark slowed me down from gentle jog to just above idling.

After perhaps 3km NOYB appeared roadside with a bootful of refreshments. A cold Tiger mid run, most convivial. Belly was bleating abit that his expected 1km saunter wasn’t turning out to be quite that and demanded inside info from NOYB who remained calm and nonchalant, professing little idea of how far was left. “You’re bloody driving and you came from there so you must know! pleaded the freshfaced Gooner.

Last 2km I jogged with Suckit trying to run on powder not the other side of the road. A last turn and lost trail. I went left – wrong. Suckit went right and there was Byte’s moobaan.

Poo and Young & Rich were out to find stragglers while we settled down on chairs to make a dent in that amber mountain.

After a quick debate we had a fun circle with a naughty chair. It was personable, good humoured and manageable – quite the opposite of the Malaysian invasion of CH4. The wing cap was purloined repeatedly until BmY produced a second to introduce more slapstick. Pooying sat on men being charged, big men sat on other men being charged and mayhem of the nicest kind ensued.

Great job Byte, Mrs and NOYB for trail, hosting and service. The rabble went home happy if not a tad squiffy.

12th Dec – CH4 – Alice (& Blows)

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Today there was a Malaysian invasion! We’ve had quite a few visitors recently, and today randomly an extra 96 (ish) showed up. Our regular 20-25 or so group is easy to handle – today we suddenly had to make sure there was enough transport and beer for a HUGE turnout – we also had a bunch of extra CM folks show up – very welcome to Bushy Tail, the returning Dogshit, and Liberace!

Alice had picked a runsite outside a school for a run starting at 4:30 – it was utter chaos! Songthaews arriving full of hashers, songthaews leaving with school kids. While the hare might have been frustrated in trying to get his harebrief done, it wasn’t anyone else’s fault!

We set off, and Brownie was clearly itching to test himself with the visitors! There were a couple of young trackstars that were clearly running well, but had no idea what happened at the check. I jogged along, getting the first few checks right – as I quickly figured it was a reverse of the last run Alice had set there. Of course he would go up to let everyone enjoy the views at the dam – it would be rude not to! The inside information left me well placed as we climbed the stairs and at the top where Alice was waiting, I was only going to head over the dam. For most of the visitors, this must have seemed like a low chance – good visibility and no sign of paper – but to me it was about 100%.

I was moving along nicely near the front – proud there was a group of 4 CM people (me, Tasty, Brownie and Cartoon), and only 1 visitor as we got to the other side of the dam. Then I got one check wrong and could never get back into it! Man the pace speeds up when you have a large group of FRBs! The rest of the run was familiar – heading inevitably towards the weir crossing.

The circle was good – considering the challenge of entertaining that many people.

9th December – CH3 – Mr. Poo & Softballs

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The Conference Centre is very convenient for getting out of work, and being so close to town, everyone was milling around trying to get warm before the run. We set off through the temple, and up the steps – a familiar trail that I haven’t been on for a few years. Up to the barbed wire fence, and I was under it when the first circle check was spotted. I continued up the main obvious trail, and went a bit over 100m before it was finally called in completely the opposite direction. Now I was stuck in a long traffic jam – and given the cold temperature it felt like climbing Everest.

When we emerged at the main trail, the check still hadn’t been called – with most carrying on up the hill to the right. I opted left, and wasn’t far back down the hill when someone called it parallel to my left. I carried on down, and soon enough ran into paper off the next check with Graven. Another check had us headed back up the hill, but I think we got it a little wrong and from looking at strava, I suspect we might have missed a check out. I found another circle, and followed trail backwards for a bit, before letting Brownie do the work and chasing Pussy Whisperer and Angry Inch back up the bloody hill.

By this point, I was already locked into the hares plan – it was a re-set of a run Poo had done some years back. Last time we screwed it up and did a lot of it backwards – this time, we got it right. We were headed back to the outtrail and we suddenly hit a check with absolutely no other options – that was 100m before hitting the main trail again – funny that. I was cruising at the front with Brownie – a great running trail that we were moving at a decent pace on. And then a dirty FT – trail turned off the main trail and I reluctantly followed it, pretty sure it was going to be an FT – it was – a long one…

Meanwhile Strangely Anal had past it by and ran into the hare who asked him why he was there, and then why he was following the arrows in the right direction rather than running in the wrong direction. Interesting questions indeed. Back on trail and the descent was on. When we turned right to head back again, HRA was in front – running, but perhaps more carefully than a few weeks back. I was chasing him down, along with a pack who all had their eyes set on HRA. HRA meanwhile was concentrating on not headbutting any rocks, so nobody spotted that we had run off paper. Some turned back to find a false trail… I was enjoying the trail I was on, so ran it out back to the beer. Nice set.

5th December – CH4 – Prison Bitch & Discharge

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By Alice

Prison Bitch & Discharge were schooled in the fine art of haring by Knockout aka Jean d’Arc patron saintess and savior of those afflicted by dodgy bamboo bridges.

Well it was flat and lots of orchards and an area I’m not too familiar with. 3 pluses there. Some sharp turns that TmB didn’t see, much to Angry Inch’s enjoyment, also curries favour in the scribe’s eyes.

Two songthaos plus some visitors and a virgin, CH4 livin’ the high life nowadays…let’s enjoy it while we can (before the smog).

So off we went down the road and the FRBs almost missed check #1. Smallish beige flour circle on grass at the roadside. Didn’t bode well. Not did Square Rooter’s arse, which trumped out a call something between an earthquake and a bamboo bridge splintering. Purple Fart rather aptly caught the blast and he was not impressed.

Soon we were curving right along the side of an orchard and a bamboo bridge of fairly challenging nature presented. TmB and Strangely fcuked off to locate the next crossing. The rest followed Browny and Angry across to a circle. Slowly, wobbling and afraid of an early bath. KO jumped in the raging torrent to steady poor hashers as they crossed. Prison Bitch allegedly broke the 4th pole while crossing earlier but thankfully the remaining 3 supported Shrek, so I felt the rest of the pack was going to be fine.

The trail went basically anti clockwise but was hard to predict at checks. Brownfinger had an almost perfect record at checks – of fcuking up. I’ll follow him next run because even he can’t keep that stupendous level up.

Purple Fart was going really well although I’m suspicious it was just to keep upwind of Rooter’s rotten rectum.
Good to see Always on Top on trail and some guys I didn’t know, Young & Rich, Scratch, Braindead (HK H3er from 1972) and just someone else.

We crossed and re-crossed little irrigation streams and ducked low under branches. Suddenly we were back on tracks and there was Pussy Galore having followed trial in reverse after refusing the bridge. 4 points for refusal for PG!

The OnIn was big and clear but then trail disappeared and we stumbled back through the trees and rubbish to the footy field.

I had around 5.7km. A very pleasant return run back in CM. Nice one hares.

2nd December – CH3 – Brown Finger

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Another Male hash, and this time I was in time to set off with the pack! This time I also managed to get through the run without seeing Angry Inch’s Angry Inch! Although as we set off, I’m not 100% sure if he was offering a viewing or not!

Poo was itching to get going – he was running before the first check! The first check was a high percentage check as we would probably have spotted trail on the way in if it hadn’t been right. Sure enough Poo was off, only to be thwarted at the second check. I was deliberately taking it steady.

Great trails heading up into the hill – it’s been a while since I’ve been here. Mary Poppins got a bit of a lead, and tried to sneak by quietly after the V check, but he was reined in, and when we hit the main trail Graven took the lead and started to put a few checks together. I was following with Pussy Whisperer, but I kept being fooled by the non-existent false trail. I was sure there must be a FT coming, but nope.

Finally at the top of the hill as we made a sharp right, Graven got one wrong, and it was my turn! And now it was the descent, on a nice running trail! I loved it! Dancing, skipping, bouncing, nice! Then there was a circle, but no obvious trail apart from the great one I was already on! It was heading in the right direction, so I kept going – no paper, but a great running trail, and when the calls came from my left, the trail started turning left. It was too nice a trail for nobody to be running it, so I pressed on. (Is that the most eloquent denial of short cutting ever?)

I rejoined the paper soon after, and the pack were just behind me as I hit a circle out into a field – 50/50, left or right. I picked right, and was right. Shrek now chasing me down. Another check, and I was a bit off to the right. Knowing where home was, I went back to the trail, and accelerated into absolute chaos. No check, but no paper. I looped around in the direction of home, and Suckit was also checking there. Off to the left, way the other side of a lake, I saw Frozen Dick making his way… Hmmmm… There was a call from back to the left, but by now it was a choice of which side of the lake to go. I went the wrong side, and cruised in not far ahead of the pack.

Nice trails!

28th November – CH4 – Pussy Whisperer & Blows Herself

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I cruised out of work with enough time to get to the end of canal road to drop some beer off and go for a run. They are digging up part of the canal road that they only laid a year or so back, so I just managed to get to the circle site before 4:30, only to find the hares had said fuck it, and let the pack leave early… :( WTF? Only the songthaew matters now? Screw anyone who still has a job? The run was listed for 4:30, why the hell are they setting everyone off early? These thoughts coursed through my mind for pretty much all of the run. Especially as I unloaded beer and water from my car before setting off, while the hares just watched me. A quick change, and I finally set off at 4:34pm – now maybe 7-8 mins, call it a KM behind the pack.

After 20 mins or so, I caught up with Katastrophe and Square Rooter – Rooter didn’t want to let me pass virtually throwing me into a ravine so I could keep going. I was trying to set an ok pace that didn’t put me into the red. A while later I passed Robin Banks, and then caught a collection of walkers including Pussy Galore, Cumalot, Always on Top and some others. I passed one young looking Thai guy, and initially thought it was Always On Top’s nephew, but put my head down and got into running along. The young Thai guy left the walkers and started running along with me, and only then I looked over my shoulder to see it was Bus Bitch keeping me company.

One of the great things about this area is it is generally flat – except Pussy Whisperer had managed to find the only hill there was – without a trail and launched us up it. I heard nothing from ahead, just BB and I plugging away. Most of the checks had been kicked out with Teutonic efficiency – I suspect someone being extra caring with Dad following behind.

Finally as we approached the OnIn, I saw Angry Inch up ahead – he turned and asked who was following, and when he found out it was me, he stopped, and pulled out his cock.

25th November – CH3 – Liberace

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Praphats farm in Maejo – a great location… As I drove through the farm, I found a strange man stumbling along – yup, it was Libbers… I offered him a ride and he gratefully dragged himself into the car, and immediately started telling me how bad the run was! Although I was tempted to turn around and go home, I stayed to see what he put together…. Sadly for once the hare didn’t lie!

I walked off with Cartoon – his first time in this area. Graven was surprised with no checks early on, and we looped into a field that was overgrown in all directions, and a circle check. Skiddy and I spotted a way that it looked like someone might have tried to get through, and we scrambled along to paper.

I took a dip in the creek while Cartoon laughed at me from behind as trail apparently didn’t go through the creek. Ah well, back on trail and another check took me back to where we’d been just before, but I was on trail despite Shrek and Poo calling from a completely different direction. I understand why the hare was reticent, when trails aren’t there any more, he must have got all kinds of fucked up and just thought sod it.

A V check, I got it wrong but rejoined the trail after being attacked by a greyhound and seeing a poor monkey trapped in a cage. By now the pack was stretched out – no more checks, just trail laid until the way we’d driven in, and we were following hash signs back through the farm. It’s a beautiful location, and a gentle 3.2km route that gave the beer just enough time to cool down. Man Stuff.