Chiang Mai Happy Hash House Harriers (CH4)

The Chiang Mai Happy Hash (CH4) meets on Thursdays for a hash run followed by a friendly relaxed circle. Chiang Mai Happy Hash is named Happy because it intends to keep spirits high and emphasize the fun enjoyment of hashing. While many runners run on all the hashes, each has its different feeling, and the Chiang Mai Happy Hash is definitely a relaxed hash.

The hash runs in all different locations in the fields, hills, valleys and mountains around Chiang Mai, with runs generally taking 45-60 minutes, depending on whether you are a fast runner or a gentle stroller. Through the year hashers come and go so numbers can vary from a dozen to 30-40 hashers.

One of the features of the Happy Hash is that it has seats for after the run and through the circle, so after the run we gather around have a beer and discuss how bad the hares were! Whoever set the run is the Grand Master (or Mistress) for the day.


Chiang Mai Happy Hash CH4 is twinned with Scarborough Happy Hash SH4
Boghopper is SH4 Gut Master
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