Local Hash Songs

Some of our hashers have their own personal songs…

B – Brown Finger
Byte My Yahoo

F – Frozen Dick

H – Horny Old Poo

T – Tip Toe

Brown Finger
Brown Finger
He’s the man, the man with the smelly touch,
It smells so much…
(when he scratches his crotch)

Byte My Yahoo
Byte My Yahoo, Running down the trail
Byte My Yahoo, He’s about to fail
Byte My Yahoo – Where are your glasses gone?
They’re in the pond!
A PhD who gets so much wrong…

Frozen Dick
You put your Frozen Dick in,
You take your Frozen Dick out,
In, Out, In, Out, Shake it all about,
Put it back in the freezer when it starts to melt,
that’s what it’s all about!

Oooooh, he’s an aging hippy
Oooooh, his stories are so shitty
Oooooh, he’s Tarzan of the Jungle
Can’t run, bad back, always comes in last!

Horny Old Poo
Horny old Poo, horny old Poo
Blind as a bat and stuffed with food
Horny old Poo, horny old Poo
Coughing, spitting, spluttering old Poo

Tip Toe
Tip toe, through the two lips,
in the garden, with the willow tree,
it’s Tiptoe, through the two lips, with me…..