25th Feb – CH3 – Horny Monkey

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So, Horny’s the hare… ugh! Well I guess I may as well show up – it’s a holiday afterall! I was first to the runsite and one by one the rest showed up – to a man, they emerged from their cars to say “aaah, this is where Horny Monkey set that shitty run at the start of his CSH3 GMShip!” Indeed, it was ominous. Given that that run was considered the worst run in hash history, why did Horny go out to try and make a worse run today???

I have a house in a moobahn… and could choose to run around it any day… I have friends who have houses in moobahns, and if so inclined I could run around their villages too… But I don’t choose to – because it’s boring! I choose to hash, because it’s fun. I don’t really get showing up at a moobahn where none of us know anyone, and deciding to run around there?! Should we “wow” and the nice houses? ogle their teenagers? pay homage to their tennis court? perhaps buy a property there?

I’ve set a completely shitty run at Huay Tung Thao before, and been back and admittedly set another torrid attempt there, but each time I’ve been I’ve attempted to improve on previous efforts. I digress, but for me that line of thought was more interesting than today’s “run”.

So, on to todays run – we set off, we ran a bit, and ended up back where we started.

The circle was pretty good! Horny got dutifully punished, sweet dreams dude! Given that nowhere’s selling beer, it went longer than most, but even Square Rooter was entertaining!

25th Feb - CH3 - Horny Monkey, 3.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings