28th December – CH4 – TMB & Alice

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A mini ballbreaker, when I am in no shape to do a normal run… But, Sloppy suggested going along and I randomly agreed after a few beers last night. When I woke up this morning, I regretted it, but felt compelled to drive to the end of the world in Mae Wang. Note to self – don’t reply to emails after drinking!

Anyway, it was nice to see some old faces, and I ought to get some exercise in. We set off and there was immediate confusion for the next half hour or so. Suited me, I was able to keep up! First check was back to the road, so Frozen was leading the way. After we turned off the road the trail stopped and we spread out. A random guy on a motorbike came to find out what these strange people were doing on his land. I asked if he had seen pink paper, and he pointed out where it was (or rather where he had taken it down from).

The pack caught me up as we came out onto another road where a check had people squeezing through holes in ?temple? fence, only to not have any idea which way the trail was going. Confusion reigned for a while longer until the FRBs got their act together and started to extend a lead. I carried on walking, but gradually slower and slower as various people passed me expressing surprise at how far back I was. My feet didn’t feel comfortable over a few bits of the terrain, and when I lost touch with those in front it was tricky following the pink paper.

I finally got to the beer stop, grabbed a beer and with not far to go headed for the wimp trail. Robin Banks joined me and when we got to the W/R split he said he was 50/50 – I said I was 100% wimp, so he decided to follow me. When he realised how short the wimp was he turned back and found the rambos again, while I took a seat in the shade for a bit. Should I bother trying to get fit enough for this shit, or just take an early retirement?

28th December - CH4 - TMB & Alice, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating