26th December – CSH3 – Turkish & Alice

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I don’t think Alice likes hashing in Chiang Mai… Whenever he comes to town he spends more time haring than he does hashing! I want to see you out on trail! When I got to the football field, Turkish immediately grabbed me with bribes for a good write up – handing out T-shirts! Great T-shirts, how about the run? 😉

The football field isn’t likely to be virgin, but there are plenty of good trails around there. We set off around the running track, with Gorf leading us to the trail on the road. Along the road and the first circle. Options… We have run to the left to through the field plenty of times before – and each time been shouted at by the buffalo herdsman. It *could* be to the right, afterall Turkish had been promising “virgin” trail… I opted for straight – and sure enough got one right. Feet pounding behind me and Gorf was on me – go ahead I thought, you can find the false trail… – Sure enough there was a false trail, but I picked the wrong correct trail heading towards the hills until Graven called us back towards the trail along the bottom of the hill.

I ended up mid pack when we turned to the hills. I was feeling the huge lunch I had at a meetup with former students – I’d left most of it on the floor at the A-site, but still wasn’t feeling too good. There may have been checks, but I didn’t notice many as I trailed the pack into the hills – not so bad as the trail was great! Well marked and really good running (walking). Finally I caught up at a check – it had been called to the right, but I got there as the FRBs came back announcing a false call. The pack scattered, and I set off on a little trail off to the left. A nice little trail that arced around the ridge. No sign of paper though :( I heard the call to my right, and kept arcing right towards the call around the mound for about 50m and found a Xmas Circle check.

I wasn’t going back at this point. I started checking, and moments later heard Graven approaching. Some might call it a short cut, others would call it superior hashing… Graven, Brownie and Gorf soon joined me when I paused to picked a grass seed from the sole of my foot. They were oozing with testosterone to the point HRA was scrambling to get out of their way as they stormed back from a false trail. I got down to the road not far behind – I thought… The check still intact and faint calls from the left being drowned out by temple disco. Was it back down the road, or along the trail? It sounded like the road to me, so I set off. It wasn’t the road, but from there I kept going and headed OnIn.

Lovely trail, an impressive pack of FRBs. Too bad Alice missed the circle – I don’t think the hares will go looking for people next week!

26th December - CSH3 - Turkish & Alice, 7.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings