14th May – CH3 – Grease Gorilla

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Today was “Royal Ploughing Day” – I have no idea what that means except that I don’t have to go to work! πŸ˜€

Greasy is back in town, and normally sets some good runs, so I was definitely headed to the hash. A reasonably turnout and the hare set us off a little early following leaf coloured paper into the forest. The first loop was just to add a bit of distance before we got to the usual runsite at the temple not far behind Sups house (strange he wasn’t there). From there the hare took us up the road at the back of the night safari – once upon a time this was a great running trail – today it is tarmac. I walked up the hill with Chuckie.

The next circle, I was sure we would get off the road so I headed left. CW also thought we would get off the road, so found another way to go… I’d gone probably 200m, looping back to the left before it was called from the road. Damnit – you could see the paper just 30m further up the road! I jogged back and carried on up the road after the pack.

Another couple of checks and I was back in the mix as Chuckie got a 90% check right, while Cartoon picked wrong. Another check and I was right, but overheated… I need to find a way to cool down on the run. Cartoon took over the lead as we headed up a great trail into the hills. I was running with Jungle Chim, as we slipped past CW and co at a check, jogging gently back down the hill. Cartoon was way ahead, until he got a V check wrong, and we caught him as he came back from the false trail and cut in front of us on true trail. Jungle obliterated the check so we could get ahead of the rest of the pack!

The checks were good enough so the pack came back together, and I again got a circle completely wrong – now Jungle was running for his life with the pack chasing towards the onin. It was a short run, 3.5km but fun and definitely enough given the heat. A good circle that managed to finish in daylight!

14th May - CH3 - Grease Gorilla, 5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings