13th May – CH4 – Snail Trail

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The run site was the “Disco Shelter”, until yesterday, when the hare’s husband discovered that the disco shelter had been fenced off and instead we would risk the rains from the side of the road just around the corner. I was dubious and as the rains started 10 minutes before we started the run, we dived into the songthaew. Fortunately it was a passing shower and things cleared up for the rest of the run.

The hare brief was given by the co-hare, and we discovered later the hare had little to do with the run beyond grumbling about shoe choice. Nonetheless, Belly Dancer took off on his usual early run sprint – only today was different from usual – normally he gets the first check wrong and is never seen again – today he got it right, and it wasn’t until the 2nd check that he got wrong and wasn’t seen again… 😉

The trail took us up a creek bed and I was doing well despite still recovering from bad meds, but when we reached a ridge it was gamble time – were we looping left to right or right to left? clockwise or anti clockwise? DAMN! I second and third guessed myself and was stranded up the wrong hill when the OnOn was called. I cantered my way through the pack and caught up as around half a dozen hashers were following HRAs advice and guarding a check while Junglicious was sent ahead to check… Junglicious??? WTF? Where did she come from? The insanely fast running goddess had appeared from nowhere on the trail and was up front setting the pace – she didn’t even hear the hare brief!

A circle check at junction on a ridge – I remember there being a sneaky trail back down the previous gully, so went to check – it didn’t look right, but when the OnOn was finally called, I was way off trail, and again spending time with the ladies as I puffed my way back to the front runners. Sure enough I caught them at another circle check at a junction on a ridge – this looked more familiar, and I ducked down the sneaky trail down the gully before and sure enough there was the paper- muahahaha!

Humperdick cut trail across to join me as we plummeted down the hill and hit a brick wall? wtf? That was as unexpected as Junglicious! Cutting to the left we hit a barbed wire fence? WTF? I could smell the beer just yards away, and we turned back up the hill to find a detour around the wires… Ugh… I needed a lie down, I needed a rest… I came to with Sleeps on it fanning me with a big leaf – paradise, until I saw Fishy Fingers and Human Excrement watching like a couple of perverts!

The circle went on a while, but it was a good one – one that you just don’t need to call a close to. OnOn at a Isaan restaurant which was also great! All in all a great hash – cheers Snail Trail…. Skiddy…

13th May - CH4 - Snail Trail, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating