10th Jan – CUMH3 – Horny Monkey

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Horny took us out to his new favourite hashing ground, near the “Golden Arches” on the way to Mae Rim – cryptic clues that were enough to confuse Kwazi and Robin Banks. When I made the turn, there were no signs and I got close to the runsite before resorting to a phone call to the lazy hare. He led me in to the runsite and I lent him a sign to help the rest out. I leapt (leaped? lept?) out the car in the mood for a good old Dutch bitchin’, but then I saw Kwazi had found his way on his own, plus the look on the asshole’s face was a picture – it seems that while out setting the trail his bike had been impounded on suspicion of drug dealing due to the bag of powder he’d left by his bike. Rough day? The police must have been laughing thanks to the generous tip he gave them to thank them for screwing with him!

The hare brief done and we were off straight to some skiddy sticks by a stream – we didn’t have to cross it, or did we? Moments later we were paddling through while Graven Image and Semen Soars took a detour over the bridge – wimps! At the next check I got it right, but took a while to get to the powder – meanwhile the rest of the pack added distance in the wrong way – or in the case of Brown Finger and Dogshit, the right way to take a short cut. Along a trail next to the road and Graven again opted for the flat route. As the water grew between us at the road we were chuckling that his parallel running attempt had failed, only for him to rejoin the trail perfectly at the powder from the next circle – lucky short cutting bastard!

The trail headed towards where HM had set before – the boy scout camp with fun river obstacles, and as we passed by some great check spots, Mr. Poo and I meandered off trail to wait for Brown Finger to run back with the Skiddy Sticks. Then we hit a river with obvious powder leading up the bank the other side. I led the way in with Brown Finger, Skid Mark, Robin Banks and Dog Shit following. Where the hell were the rest? Wimpy bastards had heard the girl scouts screaming nearby and occupied themselves with the prepubescent views leaving us to find the skiddy sticks, cross back over the water and run back along the other bank and catch them back at the camp. We were greeted to a huge cheer from several hundred young ladies as we dragged the usual suspect predators away and back onto trail.

The On-In was huge – back down the road that GI had run out on. Brown Finger was getting in some training for when Chuck Wao gets back and led the race against GI, Mr. Poo and Semen Soars (notice 3 of these were fresh from having missed half the trail). Kwazi was duly punished for not understanding the concept of a “4 check” – I like them as they seriously screw up the likes of BF and GI. The circle was not short…. Largely due to Kojak Off smuggling some green goo in from Dutchlands and using it as splashes. A good friend of mine lives by the rule “Never put anything Green in your mouth” – generally it’s a good rule, but today the green was good, and everyone was willing to be splashed! Splashed became rewards not punishment with water being used as an alternate.

10th Jan - CUMH3 - Horny Monkey, 8.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings